Saturday, May 12, 2007

Colin comes to stay

My mate Colin from Sheffield stayed over on Thursday while he was doing work with Liverpool University on a research project.

We went to Penny Lane wine bar, the Tavern and then finished up in the Richmond with Colin and Mike, Ian and Rachel putting the world to rights.

We talked about the election results in Sheffield, my old campaigning grounds, was sorry to hear that old timers Alf and Veronica had lost their seats. But delighted that John Robson goes from strength to strength as does Harry H.

We had a long chat about Blair and his legacy as this was the day he made his announcement - a day later than I had anticipated.

Neither of us would describe ourselves as Blairites but both are very moved by the end of an era and the huge change we now face.

I remember in 1997 in May and June, hearing the Radio presenters talk about "the Prime Minister" and curling my lip figuratively, thinking about John Major before recalling that this was now Tony Blair. I suppose we will have it all to go through again soon.

Met Colin after the second of our Pythian Estate surgeries, Wendy was roundly congratulated and hugged and kissed.

We are looking foward to the celebrations of the fact that local youngsters have won a BBC national competition. More on this later.

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