Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rhys Stephan Jones is 18, who would have thought it

I dont suppose he will ever read this, unless he googles his own name, but my mate Rhys Stephan Jones was 18 on Monday.

I remember so clearly how wonderful it was when he was born, son of my dear friends Leigh and Steve, I cannot imagine how time has moved on so far.

At Christmas I asked his Mum and sister Ellice Louise (guess where that middle name came from?) what I should get him. They said lego.

I said he was surely too old for lego.

They said he loves it so much that even though he is a hip and happening dude at art college and all that (my translation, I am sure they didnt use any of those words), he would still be chuffed.

So I bought him the biggest box I could find and sent it off in the post.

But that is it now big guy, you are officially an adult so no more pampering from LouLou!

I still can't believe it is 18 years since you burped gently into Granddad Ron's video camera, or since we had your christening party at Grandma Barbara's.

I feel very old. Love you loads, happy birthday Rhys.

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