Saturday, March 15, 2008

Citizenship ceremony tomorrow

I have been practicing my speech this afternoon, ready for tomorrow's
ceremony where I will be welcoming some of Britain's new citizens into "full membership" of our country.

I will ask the Superintendent Registrar before the ceremony if it would be okay for me to take the opportunity to tell them about Operation Black Vote. I understand that lots of would-be councillors have signed up already, to shadow Liverpool City Councillors and it seems to me that tomorrow's ceremony, with its emphasis on rights and responsibilities would be a great opportunity to sign a few more up. I shall also be urging them to exercise their democratic right to vote, becoming magistrates and school governors and otherwise engaging in their communities.

I am nervous, it is such a special day for them, it will be like making a best man (or best woman) speech really. A day and a ceremony they will remember all their lives, I hope it is for all the right reasons and not because I tripped up the step or dropped a certificate!

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