Sunday, April 20, 2008

How Liverpool should look in 2024

The Liverpool Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report (sexy title, huh!) began six weeks of statutory consultation on Friday 28th March 2008. This link takes you to the consultation portal.

The documents talks about the policy direction being proposed for Liverpool over the next 15 years and places considerable emphasis on the City and North of Liverpool areas. And so this consultation was important for our City and North Neighbourhood Partnership Working Group (NPWG)on Physical Regeneration to study and respond to(another sexy title, how do they do that?).

As Chair of the group looking at the physical regeneration for the city centre and inner core wards, some of them in the North, I asked that we dedicate a session of the group to studying the 15 year plan for the development of our city.

We had a very full and useful discussion about all 17 of the recommendations in the document - where should the main shopping areas be in the city, where should the main growth of jobs occur, where should new housing go, what public transport would we need to connect these areas, what about new schools to support new housing etc. How could we make sure all new developments were green and energy efficient etc.

Our findings will be published, in the name of the NPWG sometime in the next week or so, and you will be able to see them here

Currently the responses from Rick Parry at Liverpool FC are showing.

If you want your say on how Liverpool should look in 2024, this is your chance to read the documents and send in your comments.

I will let you know when our findings have been published so you can see our cross-party deliberations.

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