Sunday, November 15, 2009

Scrutiny with the Liverpool Guild of Students

I have begun doing some scrutiny work with the Liverpool Guild of Students which is very interesting. I was contacted by someone at the Guild, looking for an external scrutiny panel member, someone not associated with the Guild, and someone who understands scrutiny. We had our first session last week, we are scrutinising the Guild's Communication and Marketing policy and strategy, it is fascinating. I was struck by the similarities between the discussions they were having as representatives of the students and how they can and should communicate with them, and my role as a local government representative, thinking about the same issues. Were posters better than flyers, emails better than letters, was face-to-face better than posters. Who should communicate and how often...

We shall be meeting quarterly - in the gorgeous Art Deco building opposite the Victoria Gallery and Museum, even if I had not enjoyed the first session, seeing the architecture and the interior detail was worth every moment.

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