Monday, March 26, 2012

Sixth Form Bursaries

Are you a teacher or a governor in a school with a sixth form?

If so, please will you ask your Head how they have decided to best spend the new bursaries in your school. Have you targetted just the pupils on free school meals? What about other pupils on low incomes who don't have school meals? How have you targetted it? Have you spent it on transport/buying travel passes for instance? or text books? or stationery? or uniforms? or have you given it to the pupils for them to spend, etc

Please will you let me know as the school where I am a governor is looking for some good practice in this area.  Thanks very much

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it should be spread across the whole of the 6th form. I never got uniform grants / free school meals even though I was in a single parent family and money was tight. I think it should divided equally between all of the 6th formers to make it fairer